Most international and regional operating companies regard the quality of their Customer Service the number one differentiating factor for their competitiveness. Even in times of reducing internal costs these companies invest more in their Customer Service Departments because they understand that ‘without customers there is no turn-over’.
These investments are especially focused on Customer Loyalty Programs (how can I keep my current Customers for the long term) and on Customer Experiences Management (CEM: how can I connect with my customers and make them more satisfied based on their needs).
Many seminars are offered on these topics; I like to give you the highlights from the annual Secret Service Summit (USA), which was two weeks ago very successful with presentations and discussions about how to raise Hospitality, Service and Customer Experience to the next level. I will end with a couple of ideas I used in a recent workshop.
I hope that from these practical ideas you or your Customer Service Department might get inspiration and ideas that are applicable in your situation.
So, the ideas that came from this Customer Service conference:
On Company Culture
Great Customer Service starts with a great employee culture; it cannot be bluffed or bullied, but it will give you what you want; you just have to give it what it wants first:
It wants context: Why are things happening?
It wants predictability: What is going to happen next?
It wants a positive sense of self: What is the character, the true intention and the higher purpose of the work I do and the company I do it for?
On Leadership
Emotional commitment is what your company wants when it says it wants leadership.
The key neurobiological source of emotional commitment comes from living your own deepest personal values in the relationship with your company, your staff and the environment at work.
On Branding
Becoming a brand means transferring the sustainability of your company to your Customers, who will advertise and sell for you, and step up to protect you if you stumble or get attacked.
"Branded" is a tribute, not a verb - you can't claim it; it has to be given to you.
On the Best Customer Service
The New Normal has changed Customer Service forever
Win On the Basics
Connect with your Customers
Service is a Feeling
Being Right Is The Booby Prize
Nice to know
The annual award for the best ‘Customer Service Excellence’ went to Chick-fil-A, the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the USA.
The Jury noted: Chick-fil-A has revolutionized the quick-service industry as well as best practices for world-class hospitality for nearly every industry. Some highlights of best practices of CFA that were recognized:
Chip Bell’s 25 ways to Thank your Customers in an Innovative Service Way
Most customer relationships don’t end in conflict…most vanilla to death. Neglect is more dangerous than strife; indifference more costly than error. Great relationships are fueled by affirmation.
Nurturing the bounty of customer loyalty requires more than proper cultivation and seeding. It must be fertilized with attention and care. “Courting” the customer does not end with the sale or transaction.
Superior Service providers never take a valued relationship for granted and remain ever vigil for ways to celebrate the joy of the partnership and express gratitude for the return it provides. Just as the words “thank you” can be spoken in many different languages, gratitude can be expressed in many different ways.
Below are twenty-five ways to show customers your gratitude.
Use this list to jump start your own list.
Amplify the items to suit your situation and customer.
Remember, what turns on one customer may be a turn off to another.
Recognition comes from the root word “cognoscere” meaning “to know.”
Know your customers and monogram your affirmation.
1. Invite a customer to an important staff meeting
2. Arrange for a special learning experience for customers
3. Handwrite a thank you note to a key customer
4. Send customers greeting cards on all key holidays and special days
5. Name a policy, building, or conference room for a key customer
6. Provide a special parking space for a key customer
7. Start a fund or scholarship in the name of a key customer
8. Provide a donation in the name of your customer to his/her favorite charity
9. Provide a special discount for loyal customers
10. Create a forum that allows for public recognition of customers
11. Remember a customer’s birthday in a unique and personalized way
12. Send customers a subscription to a magazine they value
13. Buy helpful books for key customers
14. Invite customers to your home for a cookout
15. Provide tickets to an event valued by the customer
16. Nominate your customer for a special award
17. Find a way to compliment your customer to their customer
18. Put up pictures of your customer in the cafeteria
19. Invite customers to talk about their needs and goals in front of all employees
20. Feature key customers in your organization’s newsletter
21. Give your customer a gift that you won…like a weekend at ___.
22. Poll your customer for their input on important changes you plan to make
23. Ask your customer for advice on how to better run your unit or organization
24. Purchase an ad in a key publication to thank your customers
25. Have an executive write a thank you letter to a key customer
John Lodder M.A., MSc.