Civil Society Organisations Group


Séamus Boland, EGSO: Organizacije civilnog društva moraju biti u središtu Europe, gdje se oblikuju politike

Séamus Boland, predsjednik Skupine organizacija civilnog društva Europskog gospodarskog i socijalnog odbora (EGSO), istaknuti je zagovornik ruralnog razvoja, socijalne uključenosti i održivih politika unutar Europske unije. Kao glas civilnog društva i rur...


Séamus Boland, President of the Civil Society Organisations Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC): Civil society organizations must be at the heart of Europe, where policies are shaped

Séamus Boland, President of the Civil Society Organisations’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), is a prominent advocate for rural development, social inclusion and sustainable policies within the European Union. As a voice for civil...


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