Što je rizik? Razmislite o tome prije nego što odgovorite. Poznajemo li doista rizik i razumijemo li ga? Neke od činjenica o kojima treba razmisliti:
- Rizik nije statičan, nego fluidan.
- Rizik traži slabosti za iskorištavanje.
Brojni aspekti upravljanja rizicima duboko su ukorijenjeni u matematičkim formulama za određivanje vjerojatnosti.
One key issue that businesses face with a pandemic that is different from other disasters is that multiple locations could be affected simultaneously.
Business Impacts – How Long Can You Survive?
If you want senior management to pay attention give them something that challenges their focus - and understand that their focus is not on how many computers you have or RTO, RPO statistics. It is on business survivability - will we be in business tomorrow given the issues that we face toda