gabriella civico

Travanj 02, 2024 01:32 PM

Gabriella Civico, CSE president: Worrying trend across the EU, European ideals of freedom, democracy, and individual rights are increasingly being questioned and discredited - there are solutions and tools to combat this

Magazine and web site Poslovni savjetnik had the privilege of speaking with Gabriella Civico, a prominent figure in the realm of civil society engagement within the European Union. As the President of Civil Society Europe (CSE), s...

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Gabriella Civico, CSE president: Worrying trend across the EU, European ideals of freedom, democracy, and individual rights are increasingly being questioned and discredited - there are solutions and tools to combat this

Magazine and web site Poslovni savjetnik had the privilege of speaking with Gabriella Civico, a prominent figure in the realm of civil society engagement within the European Union. As the President of Civil Society Europe (CSE), she brings a wealth o...

Ožujak 25, 2024 04:41 PM

Gabriella Civico, CSE: Prepoznajemo zabrinjavajući trend diljem EU-a, da se europski ideali slobode, demokracije i individualnih prava sve više dovode u pitanje i diskreditiraju-za to postoje rješenja i alati za borbu

Časopis i portal Poslovni savjetnik imali su privilegiju razgovarati s Gabriellom Civico, istaknutom osobom u području angažmana civilnog društva unutar Europske unije. Kao predsjednica Civilnog društva Europe (CSE), don...

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Gabriella Civico, CSE: Prepoznajemo zabrinjavajući trend da se europski ideali slobode, demokracije i individualnih prava sve više dovode u pitanje i diskreditiraju, za to postoje rješenja i alati za borbu

Časopis i portal Poslovni savjetnik imali su privilegiju razgovarati s Gabriellom Civico, istaknutom osobom u području angažmana civilnog društva unutar Europske unije. Kao predsjednica Civilnog društva Europe (CSE), donosi bogato iskustvo i uvi...


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