My January column has thoughts about Leadership by Manfred Kets de Vries and some lessons of this month’s ‘World Economic Forum’ in Davos.

We are living in times that the World Economic Forum calls the 4th Industrial Revolution, many authors write about us living in a VUCA world.

In my September column I dive deeper into results of Gallup's new book: ‘Blind Spot: The Global Rise of Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It by Jon Clifton and into the Gallup Global Emotions Report 2022 of Septemb

In my July column, my hundredth for Poslovni savjetnik, I write about my main hobbyhorses that are to me crucial for running a successful organization.

To thrive in a volatile and unpredictable post pandemic economy, companies need smarter, faster, more agile business operations. That requires big changes, especially involvement, unity and commitment from the very top of the organization.

Because it’s Christmas Time I like to share some ‘Food for Thoughts’ for Leaders. During 2 years of the pandemic we saw disruptions in all markets and companies, the changing of ‘Change’ itself, the changing requirements of leadership, the leaving of employees and much more.

A 2017 Price Waterhouse Cooper survey showed that Directors, CEO’s and Founders saw the shortage of quality leaders and employees as the biggest threat for their companies. Finding CEO’s, leaders and employees of high quality and flexibility became very difficult in 2021.

We are living in the era of reinvention. Companies on every continent are reinventing themselves. Across the world organizations are disabled by bureaucracy; organizations are inertial, incremental and inhumane.

In this column I write about disengagement of employees in Croatian companies and its costs. The Leader is the only one who can improve engagement by effectively using some cultural elements as Communication and Trust Building in the relations with employees.

Uspješne tvrtke trebale bi težiti da budu sjajno mjesto za sjajne ljude koji rade sjajan posao- Marilyn Carlson

Prilagodba poslovanja u post-covid periodu je ključ uspjeha današnjice. Izvrsni vođe pronalaze inovativne načine za razvoj i angažiranje svojih timova, a pritom stvarajući motivirano radno okruženje i timove spremne za svaki izazov.

We live in speedy times and in this column I explain what this means for your organization.

Then I invite you to read the inspirational success story of Haier: how a Chinese company became a global player thanks to a leader with vision and courage.

Početkom prošle godine, cijeli svijet je gledao na specijalno izvješće „globalno zatopljenje od 1,5 stupnjeva C“ IPCC-a.

Hrvatska potiče razvoj poduzetništva. Država se kao starija sestra veseli uspjesima moje tvrtke. E sad, svi vi koji imate iskustva s braćom i sestrama znate da je to dvosjekli mač.

Technological change is happening faster and faster.